Appointments available Monday - Saturday | Contact: (647) 960 - 6088 | DIRECT INSURANCE BILLING AVAILABLE

We're now located at 154 Queen St S, Unit #116, L5M 2P4, Mississauga, Ontario


Do your legs feel tired, swollen and/or achy at the end of the day? Do your varicose veins or spider veins hurt? Are you travelling often? Do you participate in long distance cycling, running or sports?

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Do your legs feel tired, swollen and/or achy at the end of the day? Do your varicose veins or spider veins hurt? Are you travelling often? Do you participate in long distance cycling, running or sports?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, compression therapy may be the answer you seek! Compression therapy is often overlooked. Whether you require strong medical compression or mild/moderate compression, let our professionals educate you on how compression socks can benefit you. The human body is designed to pump blood from your heart to your entire body then back to your heart. When the blood flow reaches your legs, it has a harder time coming back up into your upper body. Compression socks are carefully designed to aid the blood flow out of the lower extremities and back to the heart. At the ReGen Physio & Wellness, we only carry the highest quality compression socks in Bauerfeind products.

The effectiveness of compression socks should not be judged solely by visible wear but by their capacity to fulfill the evolving requirements for leg support, circulation improvement, and discomfort alleviation. If you notice a decrease in their effectiveness or a return of previous symptoms, it’s wise to consider a reassessment or replacement to ensure continued benefit and comfort.

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