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We're now located at 154 Queen St S, Unit #116, L5M 2P4, Mississauga, Ontario


Whether you are on your feet all day for work or you engage in an active lifestyle, proper orthotic footwear is essential. Contrary to popular belief, the most common and popular brands of footwear are often the least supportive.

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Large corporations spend millions of dollars on marketing and advertising, but not enough on orthotic footwear design and construction. At Regen Physio & Wellness, we offer our expertise on orthotic footwear brands/models and which would be most comfortable for you based on your gait and foot type. Our feature brand Etonic is only retailed and offered by foot specialists. We carry in stock the Etonic Jepara which is suitable for any activity from everyday comfort walking to running marathons and cross training. We also carry in stock the Etonic Minado. This model caters more to special foot conditions but is also constructed for everyday comfort walking.

The durability of footwear should not be assessed merely by the wear of its outer materials but by its ongoing ability to address your feet’s requirements for support, alignment, and pressure relief. Should you experience a resurgence of discomfort or a change in your support needs, it may be time to reevaluate your footwear to decide if adjustments or a new pair are essential for maintaining optimal foot health.

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